
Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Lost Backpacker-Reading

Knowledge Questions: Learn
  1. Where did Mr Chen go walking?Cheng Chen went for a walk in National Park, Ruapehu
  2. What three things did Mr Chen NOT take with him on his walk?He did not take any gear food water.
  3. How long did it take for anyone to notice that Mr Chen was missing?It took about three days to find Mr Chen.
  4. It says Mr Chen declined to elaborate further on his experience” What does elaborate mean?to add details to expand.

Discovering more information Questions: Learn

  1. Imagine that you are Mr Chen and going for the same walk. Use the Department of Convservation website ( to find information on the Tupapakurua Falls Track that Mr Chen walked. whakapapa-area-walking-tracks-565.jpg
    1. How long (distance) is the track, and how long (time) does it take to walk?Distance: 11 km return from Fishers Road parking area
    2. Who is the track recommended for? National Park village.
    3. What are the conditions of the track?Tupapakurua Falls lookout.
  2. Read the Plan and Prepare section.
    1. What two things does it recommend you do before your walk?Plan before you walk into the forest.
    2. What five things does it recommend you take with you on your walk?Water,food,rain coat,Backpack,phone.

  1. Why do you think Mr Chen was embarrassed to talk about his experience? Explain
He was too embarrassed because he did tell anyone where he was going and wasn't prepared.
Summarise:  Create,  Share
  1. Using the information above, write an explanation in full paragraph format of Tupapakurua track, including:Chen went hiking to tupapakurua track and of the track, and on his hike he got lost in tupapakurua tracks.
    1. operations of  what steps you should take before and during your hike.
    2. any other special features including a picture of the track to accompany it.   
Write your explanation paragraphs here:
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1 comment:

Unknown said...

You are going well with your Answers Moli. I'm amazed that the walk was 11km! Mr Chen must have been really exhausted!
I look forward to reading the answers to your 'share' questions also.

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